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for Eyebrows, Eyeliner, Lip liner, and/or Full Lip color​

Please read all information carefully!

All permanent cosmetic procedures can be a multi-session process. You may require a touch up visit after 8 weeks’ time, if needed. (If appointments are available) 


Be prepared for the color intensity of your procedure to be significantly larger, sharper, brighter, or darker than what is expected for the final outcome. It will take time for this transition, based on how quickly the outer layer of your skin exfoliates. Brows and eye can be up to 30% lighter and lips maybe up to 50% lighter. 


While these injected tones may initially simulate the exact color and tone desired, it will not always remain a perfect match. Injected tones are constant, while your own skin tones will vary depending on exposure to cold, heat, sun, and circulatory changes. For example, if you tan your skin and had a scar camouflaged, your surrounding skin will be darker in appearance than the treated area. 


Since delicate skin or sensitive areas may swell slightly or redden, some clients feel it best not to make any social plans for a day or two, following any procedure. 


If you are under a Doctor’s care for any reason please notify us before scheduling your procedure. 


- Organ Transplant Recipients may NOT receive permanent makeup.


- If you take medication to see the Dentist please do so on the day of your procedure just as you would if you had a Dentist appointment.


- If you are on blood thinners we require a note from your Doctor allowing you to go off of them for 3 days prior to your procedure and the note must also have the Doctors approval for the procedure. (Please make sure you stop taking these 3 full days prior to your appointment) 


- If you had any break out of cold sores you MUST wait 2 weeks until it has all cleared before ANY procedure.


- If you are prone to cold sores, please get a prescription of Valtrex (1000mg for 14 days) and begin taking it 7 days prior to your procedure and 7 days after your procedure (for any type of permanent cosmetics, not just the lips).

- If you have had any type of surgery within the past 6 months or will have in the next 6 months please provide a Doctor’s note.


- Please do not take aspirin, green tea, vitamin E, or any Herbs for 3 days prior to your procedure. If your Doctor has you on aspirin every day we will need your Doctor’s approval in written form for you to stop taking the aspirin.


- If you are under treatment for any form of cancer, you must wait until your treatment is complete. It is recommended to get permanent makeup before you start any cancer treatment.


- No alcohol for 24 hours prior to your procedure. 


- No caffeine or Salty Foods for 24 hours to your procedure. 


- Please be advised that women that are on or near their menstrual cycle have a tendency to bleed a bit more during the procedure than women that are not. In addition- numbing agents also seem to not take as well to women who are menstruating. If you wish to avoid this please let us know. 


- If you are pregnant or nursing, you are NOT ELIGIBLE for permanent make up.


- No airbrush tanning in the past 6 weeks.


- Required Doctors note for those with Diabetes clearing you for the procedure. 


- No chemical peels or laser treatments within 4 weeks.








Please do not wear contact lenses during or immediately following the eyeliner procedure. Please remember to bring your glasses the day of your procedure. 


- If you have had any kind of Eye Surgery or will be having any kind of eye surgery we require a Doctor’s note stating you are approved for the procedure.


- You may NOT use Latisse (or any other lash growth enhancement product) for one month prior or one month after the procedure.

- You may not use any product for dark circles around the eyes for 2 weeks prior to the procedure.


- No breakout of cold sores within the past 2 weeks.


- If you have any type of eye conditions we do require approval from your Doctor.


- If you have diabetes we do require approval from your Doctor.


- Any eyelash curling should be done no sooner than 48 hours before the procedure or two weeks after the procedure.


- Persons with Glaucoma are not eligible for permanent cosmetics.


- Any type of eye disorder must be clear 2 weeks prior to the procedure.



Lip liner/Full Lip color


- No breakout of cold sores within the past 2 weeks.

If you are having lip procedures and have ANY history of cold sores, fever blisters, or herpes simplex, you will be required to contact your physician to obtain the proper prescription medication to prevent such outbreaks. We require you to take Valtrex (1000mg per day for 7 days). 1st pill to be taken morning before the procedure, 2nd pill morning of the procedure, remainder for next 5 days. 


- If you have diabetes we do require approval from your Doctor.


- Lips cannot be done if you have lip implants.


- Lip fillers must be gone in order to receive Lip liner/Full Lips procedure.





- Any eyebrow tinting should be done no sooner than 48 hours before the procedure or two weeks after the procedure. 


- Any tweezing or waxing should be done at least 48 hours prior to the procedure; electrolysis hair removal no less than 5 days before. Do not resume any method of hair removal for at least two weeks. 


- You may NOT have Brow work done if you have had Botox.  Please wait until it has worn off and you need to have it done again. Get permanent makeup first, and then schedule your Botox. 

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